Saturday, September 13, 2008

Print Advertisements ( a series of 3 )

Client : Glico
Product : Pocky
Target audience : Young working adults aged 20-28 years old, with a sense of humour
Concept : To show the advertisement as if the viewer is holding the magazine and salivating over the page as he/she saw the pocky sticks advertisement. Irresistibly desirable and delicious so much so that the viewer cannot help but lick , salivate and bite off part of the page. This is a humour approach to attract the target audience.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Typography ad

Playing with the name of the company and create an advertisement with only letters of different font and bring out the feel of the company's excellence. Click on image to read more.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Domestic violence poster ( Singapore)

Domestic Violence poster ( Singapore )
Target audience : victims of domestic abuse from 25 - 50 years old

Against domestic violence, the concept is to show the impact of abuse straight in target audiences' faces. Playing with emotions, victims who relate to it will be visually 'persuaded' to call and seek help. The position of the model in the poster is literally cornered and hugginer knees in a helpless position, this further shows the vulnerability of women who were domestically abused.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Self Promotion Poster

Self promotion poster

Using a design from kozyndan I deconstructed the image and formed the below. Using photocopies and pasting of significant and relevant words to form the entire image. The poster is created from raw pasting collage to scanning then digital editing. The words are carefully chosen to self promote.